The Stranger

The Stranger 이방인

The Stranger 이방인

Animation, 03min 36sec, 2D computer drawing, 2022.

The title of this animation is borrowed from “The Stranger”, a novel by French author Albert Camus based on Absurdism. Yet with uncertainty of future and emptiness, “The Stranger” speaks a value of continuity with positive mind, to not give up and keep moving.

Direction, Story JungJihye

Animation Jung Jihye, YJchung, Yoonseon Park

Sound Design Lee JuSuk

Music Kim Hyunju

Poster Design by Chung Yeonjae

Poster Design by Chung Yeonjae

I noticed my hands would move unconsciously when I draw, and begin to think about the relation between hands and memories. This idea developed into the core identity of my work, an idea where people are given different pair of hands depending on their daily tasks.

In animation, hands are delivered to people every morning. Delivered hands consist of habits, knowledge, and thoughts of each job for people to handle every day. With the help of hands, people can adapt easily to each task.
